The Head Turner

I have been noticing that my new car has been attracting quite a bit of attention from pedestrians, drivers and friends.

Just yesterday afternoon while going to meet Francis at Yishun with Noel, while stopping at a traffic crossing, there was this pedestrian who was staring hard at my car. Bet that he never seen a nice looking and sporty Honda before… lol

But well, that isn’t the first incident. Few days after getting my car, while on my way back home along Upper Thomson Road, after dropping off the Boyd family. At a traffic stop, a car besides my horned and the driver pointed to my car and gave me a thumb up. Also I have noticed that while on the road, some drivers will look at my car, slowed down and drives behind me to see what model of Honda I’m driving.

And just about 2 hours ago after sending Kelly back to her home. While driving towards Portsdown flyover towards AYE at the slip-road, a NPC patrol car stopped me and pulled over to the road shoulder. Well, first thing that came to my mind is am I going to be asked to blow into a breath analyzer? But hell NO! The 2 police officers walked over to my car and asked me what model is the Honda car I’m driving, how much is the pricing, is it a hybrid and if I bought it from parallel importers or Kah Motors. After answering their queries, one of the officers told me that my car looked unique, nice and sporty 🙂

Well, in case you have not seen a Honda Insight before, here a picture of it.

Honda Insight
Honda Insight

It kind of look similar to Honda FCX Clarity which is only available in the US. Honda FCX Clarity is a hydrogen fuel cell car which is only available on lease from Honda US.

Honda FCX Clarity

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