Another Winning :)

Was checking my lottery tickets that I bought for the pass 2 and a half months. The lottery tickets consist of Singapore Sweeps, TOTO and 4D. Errrr… Well I seldom buy 4D as I find it kind of expensive just to bet on 4 numbers, however for the pass 2 months I’ve been buying 4D as I dreamt of 2 numbers which I keep on buying to try out my luck.

I would check all my lottery tickets every 3 months for any winning numbers as this would bring me some excitement which is better than checking the tickets for winning numbers during every draw date. First I would check my TOTO tickets follow by 4D and Singapore Sweeps, after checking through my TOTO and 4D tickets, I was quite disappointed that none of the numbers won.

When come to the Singapore Sweep ticket, I won the 3D draw!!! I scan thru the number again on Singapore Pools website again to make sure I was not wrong, and yes, indeed I won the 3D draw which is $30. Well, not bad at least winning $30 is better than nothing.

Here’s the scanned copy of the winning ticket 😉

052009 Big Sweep

2 comments on “Another Winning :)

  1. Noel Boyd says:

    Wah…I have never won anything in my life!!!!

  2. william says:

    Dude, you won something mah… you raced against a few million sperms in your dad’s sperm duct to his penis and to your mum’s womb to fertilized her egg and developed into a healthy foetus and born into this world to be known as Noel DESMOND Boyd.

    Plus you have a healthy son, Drayden 😉

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